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Underdogs 1st Birthday!

   Yesterday, November 11th, Underdogs became one year old!

I can’t believe how fast the first year has gone…  It’s really amazing to think that we (yes, I include the parents too!) could make such a peaceful, happy school in such a short time.

Again, I want to say thank you to all the people who put their trust in Underdogs. It must have been a hard decision to commit to a new school with nothing but 2 staff and some ideas.

Well, now Underdogs has a nice big classroom, lots of toys, and more staff. More importantly, we now have a history. I know its only 1 year, only 7 months of lessons, but I feel proud that now the parents can see the results of their trust.

I hope all of you feel you made the right choice. We will continue to improve!
