Merry Christmas to the students, parents and staff of Underdogs!
I hope everyone can wake up this morning and be happy! Kids, happy with the presents that Santa has brought them. Parents, happy to see the kids’ smiles and happy to enjoy the day with the family. And, staff, happy to have worked hard this year (hopefully as satisfied as I am)!
I have always loved Christmas. And not just the presents! As a child, I used to sleep by the Christmas tree. I would watch the lights until I fell asleep. I loved the beauty and the colorful scenes everywhere I went. At the shopping mall, I would be able to meet Santa (usually he smelled like smoke and alcohol) and tell him my Christmas wishes. At home, I could eat so many wonderful foods! Cookies, chocolates, nuts and my favorite, Christmas oranges! These Christmas oranges were of course Japanese mikans. I never would have guessed that I would be living in Japan at Christmas 40 years later…
Ok, the title of the blog is “Let it Snow”. I hate the snow when I’m working. The driving is hard, going outside is difficult, and I’m the only one who shovels snow at my apartment! BUT, now classes are finished and I don’t have to worry about the parking in front of 🐶UD. I can stay in my warm apartment and not have to worry about the outside at all. So, I say “Let it Snow!
It is Christmas, so I had to go out to do some last minute shopping yesterday. Wow!
My friends back home love to see pictures of the snow in Sapporo, so that picture is for them.
Thanks a lot to those of you who gave presents to the 🐶UD staff, and to 🐶UD. We got some really cool decorations this year!
I hope you all can have a great holiday season!
Please be safe.