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Happy 6th Birthday, and Welcome Home!

R-kun celebrated his 6th birthday party just before summer holidays. Why am I writing about it? Well, R-kun, as you can see on the pictures, is NOT 6 years old, he is “twelveteen” (R-kun’s word).

On his original 6th birthday, R-kun arrived at Kinder with a VERY bad attitude. He was already fighting with his mom before class started. He wouldn’t listen to her at all. Class started and his attitude got even worse. He didn’t listen to anything teachers said. His response to us when we warned him:

  I don’t care, it’s my birthday!

Just before lunch, after his 8th or 9th timeout of the day, his party was cancelled. His response:

     I don’t care… 

R-kun is now in the 6th grade, and has turned out to be a great kid with excellent manners. His attitude has improved a lot!! He was the only student ever to have his party cancelled and, actually, I felt sad for him all of these years… So, he finally got his cake!


Now, a little less Minecraft please…

Welcome home M-chan!!

For the first time ever, one of my “shogako” aged students went on a homestay by themselves!!

M-chan, a grade 5 student, went to Australia for 10 days during summer vacation.

M-chan had a great time! She said she didn’t miss home at all. I’m proud of her, and think it’s great that her family gave her the chance to have this kind of experience!

She said she was sad to come back home (look at her face in the picture).
Good job M-chan!