


Halloween Spirit

Halloween is almost here! I have always loved Halloween.
In Canada, all the kids look forward to going trick or treating in their costumes. My favorites were Batman, Spiderman and an American Indian costume that my mom and me made together. (I still have it)

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Unfortunately in Japan, the kids can’t really experience that.
I try my best every year to give the Kinder kids a Halloween experience they can remember. This year, the ideas were harder to come by. This is the first Underdogs Halloween, so I wanted to make it imagination/education based. I thought using History, as we’ve done with Beethoven and Da Vincci, would be a good idea. Hence, Tut Ankh Amon.
We started learning about ancient Egypt after summer vacation in preparation for Halloween. The kids didn’t really know why we were learning about Egypt, but they all liked to hear about the pyramids, the sphinx, King Tut and Cleopatra.
Now, Halloween is only a couple of days away! My brain is waking up, and I’m getting more ideas. I really hope the kids can get some great memories!

P.S. Kinder’s R-kun made a great jack-o-lantern all by himself! Only one cut finger!!
