The name :
You won’t find an accurate meaning of “underdog” in a Japanese-English dictionary. Underdog means, simply, a person or team that is not expected to win. The nuance, however, is much more positive. An underdog is someone who people cheer for. Underdogs have to work much harder and can never give up if they want to win. That is why I chose this name. I believe in living life as an underdog. NEVER expect to win. Always work harder than you have to. Never think about how good the opposition is. Challenge YOURSELF, and do the best that YOU can do!
The name :スクール名“Underdogs”には、子ども達にいつでも油断することなく、常に 自分のベストを尽くしチャレンジし続けて欲しいという意味が込められています。日本語の辞書などでは、なかなか本来の意味は、見つけづらい言葉ではありますが、Underdogsには、「勝つことが難しいように見える事に一生懸命に取り組んでいて、みんなから応援される人」という意味合いがあります。何かに挑戦するときに、難しいからとあきらめてしまうのではなく、いつも一生懸命であって欲しい、そして自分に厳しく頑張ってもらいたいという思いを込めUnderdogs Englishが誕生しました。
As a school, our goal is to remain a small, controllable and elite school in the Kitaguchi area, whose heart and soul are committed to education and broadening our student's minds. We have chosen to remain small in order to keep our education levels higher than the larger kindergartens and preschools. Of course, having fewer students means the students can get more attention from the staff, helping increase their English levels and, more importantly, gives the staff a better opportunity to learn about the students on a deeper personal basis. It is this deeper understanding of the children that allows us, the staff, to make a stronger Kinder "team", and this "team" gives every child a chance to show their strong points.
アンダードッグスの教育方針として、私たちは札幌駅北口エリアにある小さな英語プリスクールでありつづけたいと思っています。それは、大きなプリスクールや幼稚園ではできない子ども達との関わりが何よりも大事だと考えているからです。 スタッフが子供たち一人ひとりの個性を理解し、様々な経験をさせる事で子供たちの可能性を開き広げていくことが私たちの使命です。また、高い英語力を保つ為、というのも小さなプリスクールである理由の一つです。スタッフや子供たち同士が深く理解しあう事で、子供たちは、“チーム”として団結していきます。この“チーム”としての学びが子供たちに様々なチャンスを与えてくれると考えています。
Kinder Enrollment:
Enrollment at Underdogs starts in the “Nen-sho” year (when a child will turn 4 years old during the school year, starting April 2nd). Assuming the child has basic life and social skills, any child is welcome. The observation of the child in a play setting is required, and an interview with both of the parents of the child is preferred. As we are a small school, we don’t have placement space for many students so preference will be given to children with English experience and to those students whose parents have a philosophy that coincides with Underdogs. Enrollment is also possible in the “Nen-chu” year (child turning 5 years old) when spaces are available. Enrollment in the “Nen-cho” year (turning 6 years old) is permitted only under very special circumstances such as returnees from abroad or students whose parents are native speakers. This too, depends on space availability.*入園対象 : 年少より
*年中より入園の際は、日常会話が英語で理解できることが条件となります。 *年長より入園の際は、帰国子女などの英語経験に加え、Kinderでのレッスンに適応できる英語力が必要となります。 *年中・年長ともに定員に空きがある場合のみ入園が可能です。 *アフタヌーンクラスについてはお問い合わせ下さい。 *見学希望・お問い合わせはお電話または、メールで受け付けしております。Lessons:
<Kinder >(Kindergarten age):
Kinder is immersion English. For three years, the student will attend Underdogs four days a week, an average of four hours per day.
In Kinder, the 1st year focuses on building a strong speaking base and group dynamics.
The 2nd year is the introduction of basic reading skills and group responsibilities.
The 3rd year is the introduction of basic writing skills, and group leadership.
Kinder has many events every year, including celebrating all of the main Western and Japanese special days (Christmas, Setsubun, Halloween, ect), and going on picnics and field trips. We also have the yearly Kinder Sports Day and Graduation.
Learning in Kinder is all about the kids learning how to think by themselves. Using imagination, using daily life experience and using common logic is the reason Underdogs Kinder has the high level it does.
We encourage the children to develop their own characters, and getting to know their own weak and strong points as not only students, but also as people. And, of course, learning about the world we live in.
基礎的なWriting力(アメリカのGrade1-2 Level)を身に付けること、グループの中では自ら考えリーダーシップをとり、それぞれがクラスに貢献することを学ぶことを目標とします。
Kinderでの学びは、いかに“自分で考える”かにあります。子どものもつ想像力や、日常生活での経験から理論的に考え自分の意見を作りあげていくこが、Kinder Kidsの英語力の高さにつながっています。私たちは、子ども一人ひとりの個性を尊重し、長所や短所を含めひとりの人間として個性や個人差を認め合い、自分たちが住む世界について子ども達と共に学んでいきたいと考えています。
<Afternoon Lessons >
(Primary school and older):
In Kinder, the children build their fluency and speaking abilities. In the afternoon lessons they organize what they have learned through a deeper study of English grammar and usage to maintain their English fluency.
The afternoon lessons are a continuation of Kinder, with the focus transitioning away from immersion English to a more study based lesson. The curriculum used is original and created to strengthen English in all areas. While the curriculum becomes more in depth as the child grows older, Underdogs teachers still focus on having fun while learning!
<Afternoon Lessons>
カリキュラムは当スクールオリジナルのものを使用しており、Speaking, Reading, Writing の力がバランスよく身につくように作られています。
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